Buscando la Integridad Humana con Dios

septiembre 12, 2009

Otro intento de canción... 0.0

Málditas inspiraciones... pero creo que sirven para desahogarte a veces xD
Ehmm aquí va...
Y repito, disculpen por mi inglés ^^


I remember those old days
when I played with you in somewhere
and the world talked us about the future
Maybe I never saw
the dark side of this ilussion
and I never understand
the hapiness time was over...

Fucking bastard!!!
You destroyed my intentions...
you destroyed my happiness...
you destroyed my dreams...
you utilized me for you pleasure...
for you convictions...
would you live each moment like your last?, you were say me...
and that I never was the perfect little brother...

"Leave old pictures in the past"??

A little later in the future
walking in the darks ways
in the desesperation as a little lonely boy
while all do what you came to me
I discover some people...
that brighten my day, give meaning
and maybe I felt fear...


Again, again, again... fucking people!!
Is incredible how you use me!!
with a fake and conventional mask of humilty,
pacience, friendship...
I feel like a mouse in a maze without exit, without cheese...
I again still alone, alone, alone, and the pain of my soul
Nobody cares...and, have the courage to say me
"It's your fault"

And remember everyday, everytime... to you
, while I thinking: "Really is my fault?"
Is my fault if I search to my big brother of my happy times
in my friends...
But is moment to say stop... is moment to say walk and not return in the past
because you future... not exist for you.

Bueno... ehmm... dejemoslo así, sin comentario... a quién lo lea y lo comprenda... quedese mudo ^^

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